Ted Wilson to fight Manny Pacquiao for ADRA fundraising event

Filipino Adventists are torn as to who to support...
Filipino Adventists are torn as to who to support…

SILVER SPRING, Md. — In the first event of its kind, Ted Wilson, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, will fight boxing superstar and Filipino congressman Manny Pacquaio in Manila. The two agreed to the fight after it was decided that all proceeds would go to the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) to support its efforts in the Philippines.

Both men are reported to be training hard for the fight, with Wilson putting in extra rounds in a make-shift ring just down the hall from his office in the Silver Spring, Maryland headquarters of the Adventist Church.

Wilson has reminded members attending the fight or watching it from around the world that he does not want them to applaud during the event or to bet any money. “That’s not who we are as Adventists,” said Wilson.

Asked if he had any prior experience in boxing, Wilson said that he and North American Division President Dan Jackson “go a few rounds a week, but now that he’s moving out of the building I thought it was time to step up my game.”


Single, separated, divorced and widowed Adventists who want to change that status wanted.


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  1. “Wilson has reminded members attending the fight or watching it from around the world that he does not want them to applaud during the event or to bet any money. ‘That’s not who we are as Adventists.'” LOL! I wonder if it is “who we are” to watch violent fights? By the way, I’m betting on Manny Pacquaio.

  2. Pauline Harvey

    Wow, that last paragraph is deep. I had a suspicion that Jackson and Wilson didn’t see eye to eye, but I didn’t know they came to blows. Is Jackson pressing charges?

  3. Lebrown James

    I’m cool with any religious leader who has a make-shift boxing ring beside his office. That must be how he prepared for the women’s ordination fight in San Antonio.

  4. Hyppo Critt

    This is a disgrace. I am going to send my SDA membership back to the G.C., along with the boxing gloves that I normally use on the deacon whenever he takes “my” parking spot or sits in “my” seat at church.

  5. Laissez Faire

    Contrary to the hypocrite’s argument above, I think boxing for fundraising purposes is okay. We used to show the Rocky movies to raise money for the church building fund, and we used to have a monthly fundraising bingo game with a line of dancing go-go girls from a local casino. Basically anything goes as long as it’s for charity — especially an Adventist Church-related charity. The end justifies the means. (Just ask the makers of Little Debbies.)

  6. Donald Tramp

    Ted Wilson is a man after my own heart. My favorite verse is “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.” I always tell my supporters to knock out the evil demonstrators at my rallies, but Eld. Wilson is taking it to the next level! Don’t worry; if he gets hurt, I will pay his medical bills. Could be YUGE! Can I throw Hellary in the ring with him? I’d love to see Eld. Wilson give her what she deserves. This is tremendous!

  7. LeBrown James

    Boxing, shmoxing!!! I wanna see Teddy go up against LeBron in basketball. That game is one that the church would not need to be ashamed of. Even Danny Shelton of 3ABN fancies himself a great basketball player. I just feel sorry for the dude.

  8. Caseust Clay

    To all those who are putting their money on Pacquaio: remember that Prez. Wilson has a secret weapon: the “Sword of the Spirit.” Pacquaio won’t know what hit him. Wilson will be ADRA’s new featherweight champ. “You can call me ‘The Greatest,’ quipped Willson with a snarky grin.

  9. Ray Kraft

    This is really inspirational, how about an International Adventist Boxing League, with boxing teams from every Academy and College and University competing for the International Seventh Day Adventist Boxing Championship?

    Run it on pay per view, the church will make billions!

    1. K.O.

      That’s what this upcoming fight is for – a test run for the big leagues. Be sure to tune in this Sabbath afternoon on the SDA G.C. Hope Channel Pay-Per-View. Although the SDA Church hasn’t yet found a justification for Tackle Football, it should be easy to justify boxing because the Bible clearly says “fight the good fight,” as the theologian pointed out above. Knockout!

  10. Martha Washington

    Back in the day, Teddy’s mom taught at JNA Elementary and was a really good roller skater. I’m guessing she taught her son, too. So if the fight doesn’t work out for whatever reason, roller derby would be a good option. There will be empty space once the NAD moves out, surely enough for a rink.

    1. George W.

      Sorry, Martha, that space has already been designated for a Christian Discotheque / SDA nightclub, where GC employees can “mime the night away” to Del Delker songs while sipping Martinelli’s sparkling cider.

    2. Hairy Trueman

      A “healthy supply” of Little Debbie’s junk food cakes will also be available to the revelers. After all, it’s not good to take “strong drink” like Martinelli’s apple cider on an empty stomach.

  11. richard mills

    OK, sports fans-here is how it’s gonna go down. Just as Manny & Teddy get into the ring, all pertinent information is given over the loudspeaker, the girls strut around with their signs, the fighters shake hands and come out to do battle. All of a sudden, Manny is stopped in his tracks. Teddy is bewildered. You wanna know what happened? An angel appeared in bright star-like white and blinded Manny, he fell down for the count of 10. WHAM-BAM-SLAM. The ref raises the hand of Teddy- Truth & might win again.
    I’m betting on Teddy for this one! Any takers? I’ll be at the corner booth in the local Golden Corral. Woe iz me!!

  12. Preston Beach


    Only a boy named Teddie
    Only a little fist
    Only a boy named Teddie,
    But man he sure gets pissed!
    Only a boy named Teddie
    Only a red-bound book;
    Only a boy named Teddie-
    But watch for that right hook!

    And one little fist goes up in the air
    And the fist goes round and round
    And another little fist goes up in the air
    And the fist goes round and round!
    And round and round and round and round
    And round and round and round…
    And one little Ted goes up in the air-
    And He’s never coming down!

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