SLIDESHOW: Time Of Trouble Essentials

There’s been a lot of talk about the End Times in Adventist circles lately. We’ve put together a sideshow of some essential items to keep in mind for you preppers out there. Check out our list and let us know what we missed!

Confusing Prophetic Chart

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We Adventist love our prophetic charts. Make sure you bring one that rolls up neatly for easy storage/maximum mobility while on the run. Also, make sure the beasts look scary enough and Nebuchadnezzar's miniskirt is not too skimpy.

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    1. Hartmut W Sager

      The missing sunset card is a major omission, but on second thought, the mountain Remnant should return to their 7th-day roots anyway, instead of using goofy math and formulas to place the far-northern Sabbath mostly into the 6th day (Friday).

  1. Hartmut W Sager

    The Bible in 13th place (out of 16)?!! Three places after the SDA Hymnal? Shame!

    Although at least EGW’s books aren’t mentioned, where even the “essential EGW” would be a load of 77 books, and her full works would be around 377 books! That’s definitely a ballast to be dispensed with.

  2. Richard Mills

    Is this whole thing Biblical? I am confused. Where is this list in the SOP?
    CanI get all this stuff at Walmart? Costco? Tracor Supply? Harbor FGreigfht? Help me out here!!

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