Slide Show: #TBT — Adventists legends when they were young(ish)


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It's Throwback Thursday! That means seeing some familiar faces in perhaps unfamiliar ways (read: with more and/or darker hair). Can you guess who these Adventists/Adventist-connected people are?

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  1. Den Tist

    In slide # 1, it’s really, really Throwback Thursday. Ben Carson is missing the same tooth in that picture (as a little boy), as he is now today since chomping on the hard biscuits in South Carolina! Looks like he’s had tooth problems for a while!

  2. Really sevvy? Only 1 woman?? Where’s Del Delker? Where’s any number of prominent SDA women? You’re not exactly promoting WO. If your argument is leaning to the “level playing field, ” then you should have featured an equal number of crazy photos of females, as well.

    1. Stefanie

      @Milla, People like you are the exact reason that most people are turned off of WO! WO is about freedom, not about trying to force your ideas on people… Just chill a bit, life is good!

      1. Dan Coates

        Stefanie, based on reading the wry humor in Milla’s comments over the past few weeks, I tend to think she was joking about WO, in a subtle form of satire upon satire. It is interesting that, by and large, women pastors are not actually the ones pushing for WO. Enlightened men seem to be the main proponents.

        Personally, I was against WO until I realized that it’s just an issue of semantics. Because, since 1990, women pastors have already been allowed to do everything that “ordained” male pastors do; except to have the title “ordained.”

        There is no biblical reason to insist on using the title “commissioned” rather than “ordained.” It is not the title, but the duties (and the calling from God) that count.

        1. Seffanie

          Ok, LOL.. I’m actually against it personally, mainly because of what it did to other denominations when they brought it in, like trying to fill 50/50 quotas and the whole gay scene..

          Anyway, I try to stay out of the whole thing 😛 It’s getting pretty crazy!

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