Kellogg’s donation makes Adventist college free

They're Adventist
They’re Adventist

BATTLE CREEK, Mich. — In a major philanthropic decision, American food manufacturing company Kellogg’s has announced plans to honor the Adventist heritage of the company. The company will donate to all major Adventist universities worldwide allowing students to attend for free.

Kellogg’s was founded as the Battle Creek Toasted Cornflake Company in 1906 by Will Keith Kellogg as a result of collaboration with his brother, physician John Harvey Kellogg. The brothers were raised as Seventh-day Adventists.

“We honor the vision and ingenuity of the Kellogg brothers by this gift to the educational institutions that perpetuate their faith origins,” said Kellogg’s spokesperson, Kris P. Rice. “Though the Kellogg brothers later left Adventism, we think it’s important to understand the formative influence of their family’s faith.”

“We would have been able to do this much earlier if it wasn’t for Charles W. Post stealing our breakfast cereal secrets early on and starting what became Post Foods” said Rice, adding that the sponsorship of students was contingent upon Adventist schools not serving Post products.


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  1. richard mills

    Where is Tony the Tiger? And Snap-Crackle & Pop? I gonna stuff myself with all the Kellogg’s I can put my hands on. Special K Loaf anyone? By the way, what happens to the Kellogg’s proceeds from products sold on the Sabbath? Will they now be tithing all those ill gotten profits? Sounds like Bernie Sanders was given a tour of Kellogg’s! Free Stuff! Woe iz me!!

    1. Donald Tramp

      It was actually I who got the tour of Kellogg’s. And I’m giving away free stuff: I will put a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage. And I’ll put Ben Carson in the VP seat. He and I will pig out on Kellogg’s every morning.

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