Slide Show: How to wash feet with the least amount of contact


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Washing one another's feet is a time-honored practice that is supposed to instill in the participants a sense of humbleness, service, gentleness, kindness, meekness, closeness and all that other good stuff. But who knows where that other's person foot has been? There's other stuff like dirt, germs and flesh-eating bacteria, too, you know. Here's how to wash feet with the least amount of human contact. (Photo via

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  1. Richard Mills

    I practice at least 10 of the 13 recommendations you propose. Very practical. Always wash your own hands at the conclusion of the foot washing. Not everyone pre washes their feet. Need to be cautious & clean at all times. No problem if you do it with your spouse. Add a few drops of bleach to the water. ZAP!! All the germs gone bye-bye. Use pre washed germ free cotton towels. Does the trick!! By the way, did Jesus & the 12 disciples have this problem? Woe is me!!

  2. Dave

    While I greatly enjoy 95% of your articles poking fun at our overly zealous rules, restrictions, and narrow-minded interpretations, I feel that the entire communion service is one that maybe you could avoid satirizing. It seems to be that one service where I am closest to God, and where I recognize my greatest need of Him. Perhaps that is why so many avoid it.

    I flinched at some of the frames when comparing what the Lord did that night in the upper room. His example was not only for His disciples, but for all of us who believe in His sacrifice. We are all piously claiming His body and blood as our saving grace, but many times we forget to extend that grace to our fellow man, in many instances. Yes, I am very aware of the three fingers pointing directly at me even while I point at others.

    He scrubbed the dirt, the sweat, and the stink off their feet so they could enjoy a meal free from the foul odors that emanate from feet that have walked all day in leather sandals.

    In the same way, His sacrifice has washed that same dirt, sweat, and stink of sin from me, so that I may approach Him without these offensive odors. Unfortunately, I then go out and get all ‘dirty’ again. Helping our fellow man in some similar way honors that sacrifice made so many years ago.

    The lessons in His example are far more profound than I am capable of expressing. So how about suggesting some ways to make this simple ceremony more meaningful instead of just making fun of it? Thanks,

    1. Waldense

      Some of us satirize because we care. If we didn’t laugh at how we go through the motions, we might cry. Those at Barely Adventist who wrote this recognize how disconnected we are from the meaning behind the ceremonies. Multitudes of Adventists don’t. If the mockery makes you feel uncomfortable, please let that discomfort jump-start you into making others understand and take seriously the realities behind the rituals.

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