Los Angeles, Calif. — Vowing to “make baptismal robes great again,” Kanye West restated his intention to run for United States president this week.
The rapper/designer surprised nobody, saying he would be a president “unlike anyone that has come before.”
Adding more detail to his proposed reinvention of baptismal robes, West said the Yeezy design would give the gowns an “athleisure vibe that would work just as well at a birthday party as on a baptismal candidate or a Supreme Court judge.”
West offered to let a “lucky denomination” test his reinvented robes on a first come, first served basis.
The Adventist Church has said the robe design will have to be reviewed in a dedicated compliance committee before any formal requests are made for samples.
keeping in line of west’s lifestyle, the baptismal robe would be like king’s birthday suit. MAGA-make adventism great again.
Paying one dollar is all right if you are an American.
Next time I am in church I will put the equivalent of 10 dollars in the collection. Hope I can continue receiving BarelyAdventist.