Homer Simpson converts to Adventism

It's been a long time coming...
It’s been a long time coming…

SPRINGFIELD, USA — Homer Simpson is now a Seventh-day Adventist. His new-found religious identity will be unveiled in the long-running show’s 28th season set to debut this fall.

Much to the dismay of his Evangelical nemesis Ned Flanders, Homer Simpson has decided to join what he calls the “best potluck church out there.”

Simpsons writers confessed to hunting intensely for a new storyline to keep the series fresh after so many years.

Series spokesperson Donah Teeter said the writers jumped at the chance of having Homer join such a “quirky religion.”

Teeter said there was “literally endless material in having a character as drama prone and ill-disciplined as Homer become a Seventh-day Adventist.”

Teeter said that while Homer makes his initial decision to join Adventism after an exceptional Adventist potluck, he is too distracted in any of the pre-baptismal prep classes to notice any of the fine print.

The new season starts September 25. Teeter promises “apocalyptically good TV.”

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  1. richard mills

    DUH!!! How can a cartoon character become an SDA? Who’ s next? Bugs Bunny because he eats carrots? What about Hugh Hefner because he gave up sex at 91? Youse guys at BA are absolutely NUTZ!! Woe is me?

  2. richard mills

    Simpson can be appointed to the newly created North America Division post of “Humor in Homiletics”. Pastors and wannabe pastors must attend Simpson’s lectures & seminars. Time to put a little humor into the dull & ineffective sermons. Even a 2300 day prophecy sermon can use little laughter. Also, Simpson can be the sidekick of Jose’ Rojas. What a dynamic duo! Woe iz me!

  3. First the Two-And-A-Half-Men kid, and now Homer~

    But will Homer break his contract with Fox and leave too? Adventists seem to shy away from being in the public eye and in influential roles.. Maybe someone should make an SDA sitcom or cartoon – then they can switch~

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