Annual Council To Be Held In Chernobyl

SILVER SPRING, Md. — After endless fun at last year’s Battle Creek-based Annual Council, church administrators have announced that the meetings will, yet again, be held away from the General Conference building.

This year, Annual Council will take place in Chernobly, Ukraine. According to a statement by organizers, the location decision was made due to “potentially radioactive material” on the Annual Council agenda and absolute agreement among delegates that Silver Spring is way overrated.

Instead of growing beards and dressing like the Whites, delegates are advised to dress in hazmat suits.


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  1. Richard Mills

    Did you want all the GC delegates to have that glow effect? This is the place. The reactor is now completely enclosed. It will take at least 100 years to deactivate this nuclear reactor. I am booking a flight this week.

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