Women Run Church For Week, Double Attendance

ADVENTIST WORLD — Results are in from the General Conference Office or Archives and Statistics: After a trial week of letting women run the Adventist church, attendance has doubled at services around the globe.

New attendees, the majority of which confessed to seriously considering membership, testified to the warm, empathetic and family-friendly nature of the new Adventist services.

Adventists around the world said that they saw entirely new dimensions to scriptural truth after hearing it preached and taught by empowered women.

The only complaints came from members claiming that potluck dish quality had dropped precipitously after the female leaders ordered male members to whip something up for Sabbath lunch.


Prepare to be surprised by AT1, a new, grace-focused gathering for Adventists


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  1. Marcy

    If only the potluck part were real. As a woman pastor, I have all the duties of visiting, giving Bible studies, helping people with their health, keeping house, raising a big garden and fixing food for potluck.

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