Trump asks Carson to endorse his “Gifted Hands”

It's a YUGE ask...
It’s a YUGE ask…

NEW YORK, N.Y. — In his latest attempt to fend off a barrage of attacks about what critics call his “small hands,” US presidential candidate and GOP front runner Donald Trump has sought a very specific endorsement from retired neurosurgeon and former presidential candidate Ben Carson. Trump, who very recently received Carson’s endorsement for the presidency, is also asking Carson to endorse him as having “Gifted Hands.”

Carson is seen by the Trump campaign as being uniquely placed to offer the endorsement as the retired physician has both a book and a movie about his life, both titled Gifted Hands.

The Trump camp has been under pressure to defend the size of its candidate’s hands after fellow presidential hopeful Senator Marco Rubio needled the real estate mogul mercilessly on the issue.

Carson, who only recently dropped out of the presidential race, has not yet replied to the unusual request. As the GOP field of remaining candidates narrows, many analysts say it may be in Carson’s best interest to support the real estate mogul in his hand-branding.

A Trump campaign spokesperson said that in return for the “Gifted Hands” endorsement, Trump promised to read up on Adventism to better acquaint himself with Carson’s faith which he had earlier attacked. Also, Trump offered to “Think Big” about potential cabinet jobs for Carson should he win the 2016 election.


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  1. Richard Mills

    Carson will be appointed a top post in the Trump cabinet. Carson will be able to use his
    ” hands” to evangelize the White House. Then, the Donald will be able to grasp the “Big Hands” of God and be saved, like Peter when trying to walk on the water. Did I hear someone say an “AMEN”?? The old song was “Put your hand in the hand of the one who stilled the waters.”…Woe iz me!!

  2. Billy Gote

    Now Carson says he would be willing to serve as Trump’s VP if it would really make a difference (whatever that means).

    Vote: “Trump/Carson 2016 – Making America Greatly Confused Again!”

  3. Mike

    Was proud to have an Adventist with enough backing to end up on the presidential debate stage, then more ashamed then ever when that same Adventist made a complete fool of himself endorsing Trump.

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