Slide Show: Are you Adventist-Hot?

21 Things that Turn An Adventist On:


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Think you're hot stuff? You may be surprised at what it takes to make an Adventist sweat. Take a look at the following and find out if you have what it really takes to make an Adventist all hot and bothered. (Photo via wikipedia)

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  1. Richard Mills

    The MRS degree most certainly helps. Photo #12-Think Joel Osteen. More relevancy. I have seen many SDA’s in the audience. #14 photo-skip the pot lucks-YUCKY!!. #19. I defy anyone, anywhere to beat my wife’s Special K vegameat loaf. Best stuff you ever ate!. We never bring it to a pot luck. The dish would be empty in seconds. No second helpings for anybody!! Woe is me.

  2. Regarding “looks good without makeup.” Sure, it’s great when a lady is innately pretty, but the Bible is OK with some tasteful enhancement of beauty:

    Regarding “great preaching skills,” I often see congregants shake hands and say “Good sermon, pastor!” — but if you ask them what the point of the sermon was, they can’t recall. Remember the old question, “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” How about: “If a pastor gives a sermon and no one recalls what he said, did he preach?”

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