Rich Adventist funds research into needle eyes that can fit camels

bit of a squeeze...
bit of a squeeze…

BERRIEN SPRINGS, Mich. — Multi-millionaire Adventist Frank B. Worthington has funded major research at the Andrews University School of Architecture. The aim of the project is to design sewing needle eyes that can comfortably allow unobstructed passage of full-grown camels.

Worthington donated an initial $7 million of his fortune toward the study and has signaled his willingness to contribute much more, as he says the sought-after needle eye design is “a matter of life and death.”

To facilitate needle eye prototype testing, a herd of camels have been imported from Israel. The camels have been afforded premium accommodations at the Andrews dairy and are currently being trained to navigate a series of obstacle courses on the Andrews campus.


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  1. richard mills

    Camels need sand. Will the camels be able to roam the sandy beaches along Lake Michigan at Buchannan? Or St. Joseph’s. Let me know how this will work out. I’d walk a mile to see a camel, even drive 100’s of miles for this one!!

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