OBG – Slide Show: Reasons you are late to church


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We've all had those Sabbath mornings when we were running behind and slid into the pew a few or 30 minutes late. Here, some of our favorite reasons why...

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  1. richard mills

    Even though your slide pix is supposed to be satire, there is a lot of truth to each one. Many SDA’s have a slew of excuses for being late each Sabbath. The commuters are always late coming home on Friday night, especially when the clock changes to EST. What about those who claim they must work in a medical facility on the 3-11 0r graveyard shift? In our church, we have a bunch that always come during the latter part of the sermon. Seats are already taken. They must stay in the foyer & sneak in by another door to play the part of a on time member. Why am I wasting my time on this subject? They are all creatures of habit. Woe iz me!!

  2. Lawrence

    Well this is close to my heart. I live 3 blocks from church and have no excuse to be late. But I am, along with half of the church. The reason everyone comes late is because of the long, boring sermons. The reason we come to church is to see our friends, not listen to a crappy sermon. (It would be nice if the preacher mentioned Jesus once in a while in his sermons. Once or twice a year just isn’t enough). Well the ignorant elders thought they could fool us by starting church 45 minutes later. We fixed them. We come 1 hour later and still have to hear the crappy sermon. But we sometimes get to see our friends that haven’t got up and left out of boredom. The late church has really messed with my Sabbath afternoon sailing. God no longer occupies our church, He really is out on San Francisco Bay !!

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