Lifelong Adventist Accepts Christ

Free at last.

LOMA LINDA, Calif. — Martha Dogood has spent the entirety of her life in Loma Linda and is the current world record holder for personally-earned Pathfinder honor patches (they fill up seven extra-wide sashes.)

Martha can quote the Spirit of Prophecy better than White Estate employees and makes Hans Diehl himself blush at her dedication to extreme veganism.

She has never missed a prayer meeting and can remember every Sabbath School memory verse she learned since kindergarten.

Martha has filled up her passport several times over with immigration stamps from Maranatha church building trips. On each trip she learned enough of the local language to dish out personal modesty tips without a translator.

Not until today did she accept grace. This afternoon, she felt a huge weight fall from her shoulders as she accepted Christ for the very first time.


Prepare to be surprised by AT1, a new, grace-focused gathering for Adventists


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  1. Ron

    Though written with tongue in cheek the headline caught my eye. I grew up in an era when it was all about doing. But I was never at peaceuntil people like Morris Venden came along and introduced me to a Jesus that love me in spite of what I was doing. Thank you for the reminder today that without Jesus “I can do nothing .”

  2. Faith

    I was an Adventist for 30 years before I understood the gospel and the Jesus of Scripture. I find this satirical blog to be very sad as it was my story and the story of hundreds of thousands of others. It’s not a laughing matter.

    I had to leave Seventh-day Adventism to learn the truth about Jesus and salvation through the Scriptures without the lens of Ellen G. White’s false gospel or deceptive Great Controversy worldview.

  3. I was an Adventist for over 40 years before I learned and understood the gospel. When I realized that I do not keep a covenant with God but that Jesus fulfilled every requirement of the law—including death for sin—my life changed. When I trusted Him and His shed blood and resurrection, I literally came to life spiritually. His righteousness was credited to me.

    I find this blog to be both sad and revealing. Even the “gospel” of Louis Venden is not the real gospel. God forgives me because God the Son paid the price for my sin. No work or practice is required to ensure my continued salvation.

    I had to leave Adventism in order to be true to the Lord Jesus who IS my salvation.

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