Adventist dad forgets all about Desmond Doss when daughter finds boyfriend

This banquet will be a blast.
This banquet will be a blast.

MARIETTA, Ga. — Chuck Packen, a lifelong Adventist and proud father of 17-year-old daughter Carrie, has already completely forgotten the Desmond T. Doss talking points that he had ready for friends and colleagues.

Before it was reported to Packen that Carrie had been asked to a Christmas banquet by her boyfriend at academy, Packen had spoken in reverential awe of Adventist war hero and Congressional Medal of Honor recipient Desmond Doss.

Packen jumped at any and every opportunity to tell friends that Doss saved 75 lives in the Battle of Okinawa, all without carrying a weapon or firing a single shot.

After Carrie shared her banquet date news at the dinner table last week, however, Packen abruptly rose from the table, jumped in his car and sped off.

He later returned with a long, narrow package and insisted on being in every picture of the new young couple before they headed to Carrie’s first banquet.

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  1. Richieeeee Rich

    Chuck needs to get a life. Looks like a true-blue-red blooded redneck from Dunlap, Tennessee. So does Carrie’s boy friend. Woe to all of them. Learn to tie that double bowline knot Doss was so famous. Maybe this family can save themselves from “Chain Saw Ridge”.

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