ADRA launches emergency oven mitt drive for Phoenix residents

Bare necessity.
Bare necessity.


PHOENIX, Arizona — The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) has launched a worldwide appeal for oven mitt donations on behalf of drivers in Phoenix, Arizona.

Steering wheels in the city are burning the hands of drivers as a heatwave ravages the city. Residents are in dire need of oven mitts for their daily commutes.

ADRA has added “Phoenix Oven Mitts” to its online giving catalogue next to the traditional goats and cows that are gifted to communities in need around the world.

Meanwhile, Adventists in Phoenix are running bake sales to finance upgrades to local church air conditioners. All cookies are being baked directly on car hoods.

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  1. Hubert Zuchowski

    Now this is truly good ol’ funny satire. Thanks, sevvy!

    “When you choose a wife, you are not only selecting one woman, you are also rejecting all the others.” ~ Adrien Thomas

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