Ellen G. White Estate rents out Elmshaven on Airbnb

Elmshaven... your new home away from home
Elmshaven… your new home away from home

ST. HELENA, Calif. — In a fresh attempt to educate the public about the female co-founder of Seventh-day Adventism, the church has decided to rent out the best known of Ellen White’s former residences on the popular vacation rental site Airbnb. Registered users of the site will be able to rent out rooms in White’s house in six-day increments but will be required to vacate the premises from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday.

While some Advetist history buffs are horrified at the rental plans for the home located near Pacific Union College, many have praised the White Estate’s willingness to experiment with immersing members of the public in Adventist history.

“Obviously we are going to be pretty careful about safeguarding a house that was originally built in 1885 and is listed as a National Historic Landmark,” said White Estate spokesperson Avon Dale. “We’ll carefully screen rental applicants and there’ll be some house rules. For starters, nobody gets to sit in Mrs. White’s rocker in the living room.”

Dale said that the cost of renting a room in the residence will be an affordable $18.44. “Trust me, there is value for money here of historic proportions. You won’t be disappointed.”



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    1. Clever, sevvy! The spokesperson “Avon Dale,” kinda reminds me of Avondale way Down Under. Rent will be “$18.44” and “you won’t be disappointed.” Ha! I hope it goes better than the disappointment in 1844.

      “There’ll be some house rules.” Okay, I gotta ask: do the guests have to remove all their jewelry while renting the room? Or is it OK as long as the jewelry doesn’t touch their skin (e.g., a brooch), or as long as it has a watch face on it (e.g. a “functional” necklace with a tiny built-in watch face)?

  1. Ray Kraft

    At only $18.44 it’ll soon be booked from now til the Second Coming by San Franciscans of all persuasions doing the wine country tours . . . there in the Napa Valley it’d be a bargain at ten times the price!

    I’m sure it’ll generate a land office business in conversions!

  2. Kristofer Kolumbus

    BREAKING NEWS: The White Estate has conceded that the $18.44 price was drastically too low, in view of the comment from Ray Kraft, above. The new price will be $144,000.

  3. Frank Furter

    “If you create a clever quote, your name will never be forgotten.” (Unknown)

    “They may not remember your quote, but they will always remember who said it.” (Anonymous)

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