Adventist Campuses Safe From Coronavirus As They Are Already In Bubbles

Bubble living.

Adventist World – Guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has created a surge of interest in Adventist colleges.

The CDC declared Adventist college campuses “coronavirus-free zones” as the schools “have long histories of being closed off from the outside world by means of ultra-protective bubbles.”

The CDC said the bubbles have previously kept out things like fashion sense and good food but they are now proving useful.

The agency claimed the location of many Adventist schools contributed to their safety as middle-of-nowhere campuses mean you are more likely to get attacked by tumbleweed than a virus.


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  1. Richard Mills

    The correct solution is found in Exo. 15:26 and Deut. 7:15. Problem solved!!
    Its working in my church. Get with the SDA Health message. Stop playing games with the long foods.Look at me, I look a lot younger than people think! I will outlive all of you.

  2. Richard Mills

    The correct solution is found in Exo. 15:26 and Deut. 7:15. Problem solved!!
    Its working in my church. Get with the SDA Health message. Stop playing games with the wrong foods.Look at me, I look a lot younger than people think! I will outlive all of you.

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