Slide Show: 10 ways to accept compliments like an Adventist

1.) Say "Praise God"

Picture 2 of 11

Here is your chance to turn the tables on the compliment-giver and make them feel awkward by subtly pointing out they should have been praising God instead of you. (Photo via

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  1. Great job on the website, sevvy. Are you attributing your “literary” talents to the Almighty? Btw. In picture 10 there is a woman in a white robe. Is she ordained? Or is she a re-enactor of some sort? Maybe a liturgical dancer? Hmmm

  2. Best on your list is # 5, “Say ‘Happy Sabbath!'” You say “this phrase is always appropriate, in any situation.” I’m going to start using it on Wednesday nights at prayer meeting!

    By the way, you forgot one: when given a compliment, you can always quote from Isaac Watts’ hymn lyrics and say, “For such a worm as I?

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