Slide Show: Are you Adventist-Hot?

Think you’re hot stuff? You may be surprised at what it takes to make an Adventist sweat. Take a look at the following and find out if you have what it really takes to make an Adventist all hot and bothered.

Slide Show — Stand, sit or kneel: What to do during an Adventist church service

Confused about what to do during an Adventist church service? True, church bulletins can be rife with confusing jargon and language, but while most services vary widely in format, they’re very similar in content.

Slide Show: 15 things Adventists say, decoded

Ever wonder about the meaning of those strange phrases and words Adventists let fly with the greatest of ease? Wonder no more! Read on to find out what your Adventist friends are really trying to tell you.

Slide Show: 28 fundamental irritations of Adventists

The following is a list of things sure to get under an Adventist’s skin. But count it all joy, friends: Trials bring about character!

Slide Show: 10 resolutions Adventists probably won’t keep

Ah, the resolutions of a new year: filled with so many good intentions, so much promise! Too bad it will all probably degenerate into a wretched suckpool of despair, half-hearted excuses and flagging energy in a matter of months. But hey, you never know. This could be your year!

Slide Show: Things Adventists secretly hope to do before Jesus comes again

Adventists believe in the imminent return of Jesus. If you grew up Adventist, you believed Jesus could come at any moment, but like, it was REALLY SOON. Yeah, heaven is going to blow your mind with its beyond-your-comprehension-awesomeness — you can’t wait to wrestle with lions and/or have your own pet panda — but at some point, we bet these secret yearnings crossed your mind.